I don't blog often, but every once in a while, something really burns me up. Today is one of those days.
This morning started out pretty much like any other. I got up, my husband and I commiserated on not feeling 100% (which we haven't for about a week now), we played some games, he did a YouTube video with me commenting in the background, we had sex, and then he got on Twitter to see if anything interesting had happened overnight.
So far, it sounds like any couple's normal day, right? Get ready for the swerve.
While on Twitter, my husband saw a statement he disagreed with, specifically, that "loyal and honest is not something you could say about western wives any more". He then, as he usually does, tried to engage the other individual on why he felt that way, using our relationship as an example of a couple who is capable of being 100% honest in everything we do. (For further example, he not only knows I'm writing this, he encouraged it.) The other individual involved, whom I only know by his Twitter handle of "eb4l3" then proceeded to tell my husband that I was going to eventually betray and leave him. For clarification to those who want to see the links below, my husband is Blind Ryan (@Rkade8583).
I want to make something very clear here: I do not know "eb4l3" at all. I don't know his real name, I don't know anything about him except that he has apparently been hurt at some point by his own wife leaving him. I don't even have a bloody Twitter account, so I had no part in ANY of the discussion that followed, except to sit there stunned with what my husband was reading to me.
After telling my husband that I was destined to betray and leave him (and for the record, if I ever do either of those things I'll happily take my own life, thanks), he then proceeded to get angry enough about my husband's reasonable view that people don't change without some warning signs to wish for someone to murder me.
Let me repeat that really quick, because I think it's pretty important: A man whom I've never met, have had no contact with, and whom I don't know in any way wished for my death because he disagreed with something my husband and I both believe.
And not only did he wish for my death, he wished for it six separate times, links below.
This raises a few questions to me:
What kind of mental state is a person in, that they would wish death on a total stranger that until that morning, they didn't even know existed?
What kind of a person is so broken that they wish death on others because they meet a person online who disagrees with something they have to say?
What kind of person can so unequivocally say that someone they've never met or spoken to deserves to die?
What kind of person can wish the death of a spouse on a man that they're disagreeing with, just in the hopes that it "teaches them a lesson"?
For the record, I want to tell people what kind of person I am, mostly because I know my husband is going to link this posting to the original people involved so they can see my thoughts on this whole mess.
I am a very happy woman, who has the love of my life as my partner. He's more than my husband to me, he's my best friend, my most staunch supporter, and quite honestly, he keeps me balanced mentally, physically, and in my responsibilities. I also happen to be the eldest daughter of three children, and I adore both of my younger siblings to the point that I would gladly die to keep anything bad from happening to either of them, even though the logical part of me knows I can't prevent everything bad from touching either one. I have two loving, still happily married parents, which is an unusual treasure in this day and age, who both want only happiness for me. I have a supportive extended family of aunts and uncles, some of whom are related only in name, but still love me as much as if we were the same blood. And I have a tight group of friends who try to encourage me to try things that I am sometimes afraid to, due to stress from when I was a teenager, before any of them met me.
Let's see, offhand that makes a total of about 20 people that this "eb4l3" just wished pain and misery on, by wishing for my death. Half of those are men, whom this person claims to stand up for and want to defend the rights of.
So, I ask everyone out there: What exactly have I done to deserve the death that has been wished on me? I wasn't involved in the original discussion. I didn't say word one to the guy in question. I didn't ask my husband to tell him anything for me. All I did was exist.
If that is enough of a reason to deserve death, then don't we all deserve death?
Oh, and to cap it all off, "eb4l3" then told my disabled husband to kill himself as well, so I guess that answers my above question. (Link 7)
Links 1 - 6
Link 7
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